If your checking and savings accounts are going to survive a move, you need to be aware that moving is going to nickle and dime you. Prepare to hemorrhage money as you move out of your old house and into your new one. {If you are just popping in for the first time, this post is part of a series on surviving a move. You can find all the posts here.}
All The Projects You Put Off Doing For Years, You Need To Do Them To Sell Your House
New appliances, upgraded flooring, paint. . . And don’t forget the DIY projects you started and never finished. Oops.
When we decided to move, we realized that we had half-finished remodeling projects all over our house. We had moved walls and doors and never finished them. It was easy to overlook it all when it was for our own family, but now it was time to prepare to list our house to rent it.
Pro-tip: These house projects have a tendency to grow bigger and bigger. If you can swing it, outsource any of these projects you aren’t good at. You’re going to need your energy for other things.
You’re Going To Go Out To Eat More Often
There are a couple of factors in play here. First of all, as you are cleaning out your pantry and fridge, you’re still going to need to eat. It’s really hard to cook meals when you’ve packed your dishes and cooking utensils. Secondly, when you get to your new home, you won’t have any of the things you usually have in your fridge or pantry until you go to the grocery store (and you have not even found a grocery store yet. . . . ha).
In addition to that, you’re going to be bone tired. You’ll have that tired feeling where you can’t imagine being able to get up off the couch to walk up the stairs to bed. You’re not going to want to cook anything.
You’ll Have Several One-Time Start-Up Expenses
I’m probably not going to remember everything, but in your first weeks and month, you might have to pay a security deposit for a rental, utility deposit, get a new driver’s license, and get new license plates for your new state. You’ll also need to buy anything you didn’t move with you that you need: cleaning supplies and pantry items.
The financial aspect was nerve-wracking for us. We made it through alright, but I don’t think I was truly prepared for having to pay for so many things at once. Usually, expenses are spread out a little more.
Tell me about your experience. Were there any unexpected expenses that came up when you moved? Do you feel like you were prepared for all the extra costs?
As a crazy bonus, I recorded a video a few weeks ago in preparation for this series. Warning: I have a really hard time getting to the point 🙂