For the past several years, I’ve watched on the sidelines as different bloggers took part in the Write 31 Days challenge.
This year I’m joining them! (and now that I’ve said it, I have to do it, right?)
For the month of October, I’ll be writing every day about what it’s like to move from one part of the country to another. I’ll write about the things we did right and the things we did wrong. I’m even planning on including interviews from different people. I’m really excited about it!
This is for you if you if any of these topics resonate with you:
Making A Long Distance Move, Series Introduction
Moving Always Comes Accompanied By Loss (Even under the best circumstances)
Everything is New: New home, new school, new doctor. . .
Whoa! Moving Was More Expensive Than I Thought!
Missing Friends/Making Friends
When You Can’t Find Your Toaster
How Moving Can Help Your Marriage
When You Want To Move, But Something Holds You Back
Reaching Out To Military Families
An Interview With My 11 Year Old About Moving
Getting Settled When It Feels Temporary
What Moving Has To Do With Gandalf & Frodo
I would love to encourage anyone who has recently moved, is planning a move or feels like they are still recovering from one. Or maybe you’re just curious about the story of how our family decided to move from Minnesota to Tennessee. Whoever you are, I would love to have you join me. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
Thanks for coming along!