I should do this more often, but summer is when I really set aside time to read. Reading makes me think and dream. It fills me up and gives me something to draw from when I want to write. So, I’m considering this part of my job. I’m good with that 🙂 I’m also curious about other people’s reading lists. Summer is a great time to find new lists to inspire your own. This is what is in my stack right now:
Defiance by C.J. Redwine. This is the first book I finished this summer. It’s the first in a trilogy and I loved it! If you are looking for a good YA read that is reminiscent of Hunger Games, you’ll like this.
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay. I’ve heard lot of recommendations for this book and I can’t wait to dig in for myself.
Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl by Dannah Gresh. Â Here’s a description from Amazon: “Studies show that the foundation for an emotionally healthy teen girl is built between the ages of 8-12 and that a good relationship with mom is one of the most important factors. So when the world wants girls to grow up too fast, how does a mother help her young daughter navigate the stormy waters of boy-craziness, modesty and body image, media, Internet safety, and more?”
Found Art by Leeana Tankersley. This is a memoir of the year the author spent in the Middle East with her husband who is a Navy Seal. I love memoirs!
Prayer Warrior Mom by Marla Alupoaicei. Honestly, I know nothing about this book. It was on the bargain shelf at Lifeway and I decided I needed it. Having a resource to encourage me to intercede for my family is something I know I can use.
Simplify by Bill Hybels. I’ll be helping lead a Bible Study this summer that is using this as a resource. It has sections on streamlining your schedule, spending wisely, relationships and God’s Word.
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarity. This book has been on several book lists I’ve seen.Here’s a paragraph description from Amazon:
“Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child. So imagine Alice’s surprise when she comes to on the floor of a gym (a gym! She HATES the gym) and is whisked off to the hospital where she discovers the honeymoon is truly over — she’s getting divorced, she has three kids, and she’s actually 39 years old. Alice must reconstruct the events of a lost decade, and find out whether it’s possible to reconstruct her life at the same time.”
You might not be able to tell from this list, but I’m making space for more fiction this summer. You’ll see more of that in Part II that I’ll post later. What’s on your list right now?
Happy reading!
I have nothing so intellectual – I’m reading through all the Perry Mason mysteries I can get my hands on. It has probably been 45 years since I first read them and it is fun to read them again at a totally different age!
Those sound fun to read!