Want to see a sneak peak at some of the things we are purchasing for Christmas this year?
For Such a Time as This: Stories of Women from the Bible, Retold for Girls
A book for Audrey our 8 year old. I cannot wait to read this together. The illustrations are gorgeous and complement the stories so well.
Ticket To Ride
I have been obsessed with this game on my tablet and can’t wait to play the board game version with the family.
Buck Denver Asks: What’s in the Bible? Volume One – In the Beginning
I picked up the first three volumes of this series last weekend.
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
I bought this book for my dad for his birthday because everyone who sells anything for a living needs to read it. He has opened it already 🙂 I’m not ruining the surprise.
What’s on your list?