Why blog? I’ve had people ask what I hope to accomplish here. Mostly, I just want to talk about things that I’m interested in or passionate about and things that I’ve learned and how I’ve seen God work. I’ve read lots of blogs. Honestly, after reading through many in the last week, I realized something. I don’t really want to be a “blogger”. I would rather just write. I want to sit down and ask God, “What should I write today?” and type out the answer. If I’m honest, the answer will include things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. It will be about making much of Him.
Bloggers have to worry about SEO, chasing trends and writing about things people would be most interested in given the current climate regarding politics, religion and current events. What will get the most clicks? What is most likely to be shared?
I don’t want to chase after trendy topics that aren’t genuinely a part of what I would naturally share. I want to keep this space one that is about moving forward and not dwelling on the negative. It’s about celebrating the good and being honest about my struggles. I think that’s what writers do even if it doesn’t show up easily in search engines. A writer who blogs, rather than a blogger who writes.
Thank you so much for reading!
I believe that is a noble and admirable goal to pursue. I have found that when I get myself too scheduled writing things I WANT to write, God always gives me a little shake and says: *ahem* “WHO are you doing this for? After all, remember who did NOT want to do this, and who TOLD you to do it anyhow?”. Always a good thing to remember. God has been faithful to bring each and every reader to the door without me “pursuing them” and worrying about whether what I write is popular or not. I will pray the same, incredible, and fulfilling relationship via your writing as that.
Love and hugs to you,
“Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to reach the prize in which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
Thank you so much, Heather. 🙂