The God that could have chosen to feel nothing but anger at His creation, chose to let his heart break with ours.
“While other creeds endeavor to get us out of the world and into heaven, in Christianity, heaven comes down and Christ comes into this world to get us. To suffer with us. We find favor — only because Christ feels pain.” – Ann Voskamp, The Greatest Gift
Emmanuel- God with us. One of the greatest gifts of Christmas is that the Creator of the universe is with us. He’s not just with us in the joyous time. He’s with us in the ugly and painful. Waiting on medical results. Losing your house to foreclosure. Broken families. Anxiety.
Christmas means God sent his son to take all of that. He sits with you in the pain, waiting and stress.
Today, someone you know needs to hear this. You need to hear this.
–inspired by our Advent readings in The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp