115 days done. This is my 6th year homeschooling and I never tire of counting down (or up) the days until we finish our 180 days for the year.
When I don’t want to do school, I remind myself that the finish line doesn’t get any closer when we take days off. So, I dangle the carrot of “getting done in early May” in front of myself to keep going. I have a crazy dream that we’ll actually go somewhere as a family for a short vacation. This year I’m dreaming about Charleston.
if you want to get hungry, read travel guides about places you want to visit. They are full of recommendations for restaurants of all kinds. I’ve never had low-country boil, but after reading the Frommer’s guide, I’m convinced my life wont be complete until I have some.
And what kind of homeschool mom would I be if I didn’t take my children to Fort Sumter, the place of the first shots of the Civil War? We must go there. In fact, I should it count as “school”. So, by that reasoning, if we only do 114 more days of school and a day at Fort Sumter, we’re good.
We’re also going to check out the longest cable-sustained bridge in the country and spend some time at the beach.
These are my dreams and this is what convinced me to do school on a day when our county had a snow day.
I think I can. I think I can.