Essays just for you:
How To Grow Up In Your Faith Without Losing It June 2018
The Importance of Lament April 2018
Faithfully Leaving and Healing: Honest Thoughts On Why We Left Our Old Church January 2018
On Home & Place & Passing Through February 2018
Healthy Church Resources
I’ve compiled a list of some of the most helpful church health link, article and resources I’ve found. I hope they are helpful to you.
The Emotionally Healthy Leader
The Emotionally Healthy Church
The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb
Understanding Narcissism in Church Systems:
Diane Langberg’s lecture This is part 1 of 5. There is a link to the next part on each subsequent page. I couldn’t take notes fast enough while watching this. It’s so good!
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Clergy – Before reading this study, I had no idea how common this was.
Should Our Smaller Church Be Growing?
10 Ways To Spot Spiritual Abuse
Real Church Growth Doesn’t Just Make Bigger Churches. . .
5 Challenges and 5 Opportunities Facing the Church
5 Reasons Some Leaders Finish Poorly