Below you will find a few paragraphs from something I wrote just for my email list. If you want to read it in its entirety, you can sign up here:
“I just want to help homeless people find a home.” That’s what I told our Connections Minister at our church. Then I texted that same phrase to my husband who replied asking me to clarify.
“Are we talking about literal homeless people? I just want to make sure I haven’t missed the mark in understanding your passion.”
Nathan was joking. He knows. What makes me come alive is connecting people. Let me help you find a church home, a new friend, or a place to put down roots and I’m happy. I want to help people find their place because I know how powerful that is.
There’s nothing like the feeling of being in a place that’s fully yours, especially if it comes along with gathering a circle of people you can claim for yourself as well. It seems universally agreed that you don’t truly feel like you’ve found your “place” until you find your “people”.
At just the right time, as I was feeling the fog lift from a season of spiritual homelessness, I found Jen Pollock Michel’s book, Keeping Place: Reflections of the Meaning of Home. A few chapters into the book, it became clear that Jen’s book had influenced an article that I recently read. It was like realizing two of my friends already knew each other.
I began seeing references to “home” and “place” everywhere.
Jen lays out a the case for the importance of place in Scripture. It turns out, as she says, God is in the business of homemaking– even from the early days of creation. . . .
(If you’re interested in reading the rest, go ahead and fill in the form at the top of the post and I’ll make sure it gets to you)