Dear Monday,
This weekend was packed full of things. Good things.
But now it’s Monday morning and I’m tired. I’m re-thinking every commitment I’ve ever made. I’m considering quitting everything. I won’t though. The times when I’m most depleted are the times I need to put a moratorium on making any decisions.
Today, if you find yourself like me, consider doing some easy things to recharge your batteries. Here are some ideas to be the boss of Monday:
**Consider not scheduling extra things for Mondays. The Nester does this and I think it’s a great idea. I would totally be on board with it if I didn’t have speech every Monday and counseling appointments that are only available on Mondays! You should consider it though! Having a day where you are mostly at home is so helpful.
**Don’t quit anything on a Monday. Wait until Tuesday to be sure it’s the right thing. 🙂
**Do one big thing you’ve put off and then reward yourself. Today, I’m going to clean the bathrooms and then throw myself a party after I’ve finished.
**Check your calendar and map out your week.
**Surface clean a mess that is stressing you out.
**Turn off social media. There are a few things stressing me out that are online right now. I’m muting those voices this morning.
OK. Now it’s your turn. Tell me how you’re the boss of Mondays!