November 8. You will walk into the voting precinct, kids in tow (because seeing mom perform her civic duty inspires patriotism or something. . .). This year you and I place our votes and leave uncertain. Honestly, we walk out feeling a little sick.
Do we proudly wear our “I voted” stickers or not? Most will go home and watch the news reporters analyze the day at great length. What happens now is out of our hands.
What if we could actually do something today that would give us hope? What if we didn’t sit around and wait for someone to save us? If you’re game, we can do this together. Today.
I guarantee if you work through this list with me, your day will be better for it.
(I’ll give you all your money back if this doesn’t end up being the case for you)
After You Vote: An Election Day Checklist
- Pray. If this is out of our hands, what better way to acknowledge that than to spend time talking to the One who actually holds all of it in His.
- Turn off the news. Yes, even your favorite station. I’m getting stressed out just thinking about the news analysis.
- Bake your favorite cookies. I’m considering coconut crispies or the standard chocolate chip cookies. If you have a favorite cookie recipe, tell me about it!
- Clean your kitchen. Stop! I know you are looking at me like I’m crazy. The idea of having a clean kitchen appeals to me more than doing the actual washing of the counters and loading and unloading the dishwasher, too. We can do hard things. 😉 Cleaning your kitchen may actually make you feel more in control today than voting. You won’t have to deliberate about it for nearly as long.
- Turn on your favorite music. Something that makes you feel like dancing while you’re doing the dishes.
- Do something kind for a neighbor.
- Make plans to get involved in something that makes your community better. Put the date of the next city council meeting on your calendar, or drop some food off at the food pantry, or find out how you can get involved in helping kids learn how to read. Vow to never wait for a perfect politician to solve your problems.
- Have family dinner together at your dinner table. Choose something you love.
- Do something you love. (Bonus points if you take a photo of it and share it with me on the FB page)
- Go to bed on time. Staying up late listening to the election returns is tempting, but you’ll regret it when you wake up feeling hung-over from staying up too late. Go to bed!
I think we can do this. I think we’ll feel better about ourselves, our friends, and the world if we spend our energy on good things today instead of waiting around for the world to end (which is what I assume is going to happen if any of the candidates on the ballot are elected. At least that’s what the news headlines are telling me).
Are you in? Turn off the news and do something life-giving.
I’m going to take care of my sick kids, which is sadly way more fun than watching the election coverage.
I’m afraid someone is going to win!
I’m sorry you have sick kids. Maybe a little JJ Heller music will help 🙂 That’s on my playlist for the day.
This is a wonderful list!
bonus—I made the yummiest cookie bars yesterday, don’t even think I’ll frost them! easy peasy, too!
1 carrot cake mix
1 stick of butter, softened
2 eggs
Mix well and spread in a 9×13 (ish) baking dish and bake. My oven temp is off so I’m not sure what temp it was actually at, but I recommend lower than higher so it doesn’t burn.
and ENJOY!!
Robin, that sounds delicious!