Saturday Sundries: Easter Weekend Edition

In the middle of your weekend filled with church services and dying Easter eggs, maybe you will be encouraged and find a smile in some of these things I’ve read this week. They were so good and I didn’t want you to miss them.

who's your

Amy at Carried By Hope, wrote about the pain of betrayal in her life and related it beautifully to the Easter narrative. A beautiful quote from her writing:

“Have I come to know Jesus’ suffering through the past five years? Not completely; no one ever will, but I’ve come to believe that He knows my pain.”

Lydia at Life Is Mostly Noise, wrote about presence

“My soul desires to be known and to know others, to soak in the beauty around me and to be face-to-face with my creator.”

If you feel like this world seems to be advancing against all that is, good, read this from Kylie. We need this reminder:

“From here on out, hell is holding up its gates and putting forth its best effort to not crumble under the advance of the church. But it will. It will crumble in the end.”

With the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, Kelly wrote this is great reminder of what it means to love our neighbors and who our neighbors are.

“What does love really look like to those living in limbo with no one who will help them?”

Happy Easter Saturday!

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