“Most of life happens, not in brightness or in darkness, but in the medium light of a regular day. And all those daily things. . .aren’t to be set aside by those who hope to live a faithful life. Rather, embracing all of these is part of what makes a faithful life.” — Emily P. Freeman, from her book, Simply Tuesday.
Isn’t that beautiful? Affirming?
I love that excerpt. I picked up Simply Tuesday, Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World, yesterday because I felt the need to pour some encouraging words into my heart. I was feeling over-tired. Over-stimulated. Over-done. Sort of like a steak left on the grill too long.
I had been feeling not cool enough. Not funny enough. Not smart enough or clever enough.
It’s true, you know. I’m not enough anything on my own.
But maybe that’s the entire point. When I realize I’m not enough, I’m right where God can most use me.
Only in God’s kingdom can the not enough become enough.
The least becomes the greatest.
The poor becomes the rich.
In a world that wants us to believe that bigger is better, I needed the reminder that the ordinary life and the extraordinary life aren’t mutually exclusive. They happen hand in hand. (this is a paraphrase from Emily’s book. You need to get a copy!)
It’s not happening later after the kids are grown and the laundry is all done. The daily, faithful, extraordinary and ordinary life are all mixed together like the play-doh you told your kids to keep separate, but they didn’t. It’s impossible to separate.
Celebrate your smallness today.
By the way, I love your posts on this site. You have a very insightful mind and are well-read, so you make me think about interesting things every time you write. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much! I appreciate it!