Last night Ethan told me that he wished we could skip Tuesdays. Tuesday is garbage day.
As I’m typing this right now, I’m in agreement. Tuesdays are bad. I can hear the sounds of the garbage truck in front of our house. Just barely, though. The sound is almost completely masked by another sound. Ethan is sobbing.
These aren’t gentle tears. These are loud wails and body shaking sobs. This is all because it’s garbage day and in the trash is something special to him: the plastic wrap that was covering the frame that he got on Sunday from his Bible Bowl Store.
It’s not cute or funny. It’s heart-breaking, exhausting and infuriating.
I feel so bad for both of you. It is so difficult to not be able to understand someone you love so much. And I’m sure it is very difficult for him to not be able to explain how he is feeling in a way that the most important people in his life can understand. I pray that help is on its way.