What do you do if you feel like God made you a writer or a teacher, but you never publish a book or stand before a big crowd?
What if no one shows up?
I wrote recently about wondering if my call was BIG enough.
I’ve seen people do big things with big platforms online. Ann wrote a book ,and it landed on the best seller’s list, and the money that came in from the sales built a school in Guatemala.
Others feel the call to write or speak and get rejection letters from publishers and their platforms never grow to the size they thought for sure God had intended. They do everything right, but it still seems. . . small.
This week as I read the books and blogs of people who have huge platforms, I thought to myself, “I would be more encouraged to see the person who is faithfully living out their call and keeps on going even if the audience is small. I want to have coffee with that person.
Too often we assume what we’re doing isn’t the right thing based on how many others show up. The truth is that God’s call on your life- and my life- doesn’t have anything to do with how many other people show up. It’s about you and me showing up. That’s it.
Be the best mother you can be if that’s your call. Your success at that call isn’t determined by how your kids “turn out”. It’s determined by whether or not you showed up.
Write that book. Get it traditionally published or self-published. Success is measured by what you have control over and not a publishing contract or a best-seller’s list.
Tell me about a time when you showed up even when others didn’t. I would love to hear from you.
Dear Amy,
I write a blog and have for the last two years. I get a couple comments every once in a while and some likes and comments on facebook, but for the most part I think no one reads it. Then I’ll run into someone and they say “I love reading your blog.” Or “I look forward to reading your blog everyday.” This is all news to me. But I learned long ago that I WRITE FOR MYSELF and because I have something to say. It’s not up to me to see who reads it, I just write. Thanks for your post and for being honest. I love following you on facebook and seeing the comments you make about everyday life. I wish I could come have a cup of coffee with you. I consider you one of my good friends.
Thanks, Mary! It makes me happy to hear from you.
Ah, The Garage has been a lesson in that. It was supposed to be this great thing that all the churches would rally around as a way to minister to our community’s youth. It has turned out to be a really great thing that the churches and the rest of the community may love, but are perfectly willing to let Don and I and a couple of other people do totally on our own, raising enough money to stay open by rebagging and hauling aluminum cans to the recylers every week. But God is using us to make a difference in a few kids’ lives, even if no-one else cares enough to help out. We heard clearly when God said what to do and we did it in the face of open opposition. And after 13 years, we can say that it turned out well and we have only God to thank for that.
Chris, that is the perfect example of “showing up” and continuing to do so. It hasn’t looked like you first thought, but God is still using it.
Amy I needed this encouragement today. My blog is something that I write knowing that very few people are reading, but every once in a while a friend will share that something I wrote spoke to her. My “platform” if you would even call it that is extremely small, but if it means something to one person it is worth it. Jeff and I talked a lot over the weekend about my crazy big dreams and how I think right now I need to keep my lens very small until I figure out what it is supposed to look like. Just because I think I am called to do something big does not mean it will be big in worldly terms. Big to God is one soul, one relationship. I have to keep reminding myself of that. Thanks for writing. Love you friend!
Thank you, Casey! I’m so glad it encouraged you.
Love this! I needed to hear this-thanks!
Me too!
Amy, This is a great reminder! And an encouragement to keep showing up. Thank you!
Thank you, Leslie. I needed this reminder too!
When I receive a comment of a change or effect my post has had on a life, or caused I smile. When God shines a light into a dark place using my words to one person, that is huge. A person months or years from now, who is in desperate need of something may search for a tag. It leads them to a certain post I wrote and God speaks to them. My job is to share and not compare. Thanks for this post.