Today this book release was announced:
Smart Money Smart Kids.
I’m excited to read it.
Did your parents help you deal well with finances? What good things did they teach you? What not-good things did your learn from them? Chime in and I’ll choose one of you to send this book to as soon as it comes out.
Winner will be announced at 8:00pm cst January 21st. Good luck!
Looks like a good book. Pick me!
Good things my parents did: They let us contribute to big family purchases (basketball hoop, trampoline, etc). We had a chart to watch the progress, and we each were responsible for a portion…but we also could help each other out. Another helpful thing, was they talked about money with us. We knew from a young age that we would have to contribute financially if we wanted to go to college, weddings weren’t going to be an endless budget, and my parents taught us how to budget and shop for the family groceries each week. I love how my parents taught me to be financially responsible!
My parents never discussed finances with me. Thank goodness I married a man that is good with our finances as I was clueless.
Great giveaway idea!
My parents taught me the importance of tithing and saving; something I am trying very hard to pass on to my children as well.
I have one saver, one spender and one giver. 🙂 We own the other Dave Ramsey kids books and Megan recently hung the chore charts on the fridge, mostly to remind me what I owe her! As we reign in our finances and take steps to better provide for our family, I hope our kids pick up a few lessons from our example. This book can’t hurt!
According to , Kristina is my winner 🙂