“It’s a distinction that affects every aspect of our lives with Christ and it begins with learning where we’ve relied more on man’s explanation of God than God Himself.” – Angie Smith, Chasing God.
This book was as great way to end 2013 and begin 2014. I recommend it to anyone who has any questions about their faith and whether or not they are “doing it right”. It’s funny and it’s deep. Not a lot of authors can pull that off, but Angie Smith does it beautifully.
It’s the perfect example of someone who takes her faith seriously and doesn’t take her self too seriously. It really is a serious topic and a little levity goes a long way. I think it also helps the reader to understand that we’re in this together. “Chasing God” is a book that was birthed from the author being willing to share her doubts and struggles so that we could listen in on what she hears God saying and what she discovered straight from Scripture.
It’s not a formula for the perfect Christian life. It’s not a list of rules. It’s an invitation to put aside preconceived ideas and actually take a look at Jesus- Himself.