That is such an amazing story to me, not just that this man was willing to sacrifice his life for this little girl, but that this was an elderly man – one of the people that society thinks don’t make any difference in this world. If there is one thing I’ve learned from my time at the senior center, it is that there is no moment in time when a person becomes less significant, less important, less worthwhile. People who are 90 are every bit as worthwhile as people who are 9. He was much more valuable in that situation because, from his years of experience, he could see what was happening and the ramifications a split second sooner than anyone else and could make the decision what to do more quickly than anyone else. Elderly people are very, very valuable and don’t let anyone tell you differently.
That is such an amazing story to me, not just that this man was willing to sacrifice his life for this little girl, but that this was an elderly man – one of the people that society thinks don’t make any difference in this world. If there is one thing I’ve learned from my time at the senior center, it is that there is no moment in time when a person becomes less significant, less important, less worthwhile. People who are 90 are every bit as worthwhile as people who are 9. He was much more valuable in that situation because, from his years of experience, he could see what was happening and the ramifications a split second sooner than anyone else and could make the decision what to do more quickly than anyone else. Elderly people are very, very valuable and don’t let anyone tell you differently.